Sharegate displays the following error message:
The default storage account is not currently available for your tenant. Connect to a custom storage account to use the Insane Mode or copy using the normal mode.
Error code
When migrating to Microsoft 365 using the Insane Mode, data is sent to Azure before being imported into Microsoft 365. To facilitate this process and reduce costs incurred during migration, Microsoft has made a default storage account available to all tenants.
If you receive this error message, it means that the default storage account is not available. This can be due to a service outage, or it may simply be that this functionality is not available in your geographic location.
There are 3 recommended courses of action:
- Contact Microsoft 365 Technical Support to determine why the storage account is not available, then try again when it is available.
- Specify a custom Storage Account as described in the Performance Options (Microsoft 365) article.
- Use "Normal Mode" instead of "Insane Mode" for your migration.