The command to export the property mappings to a file.
Export custom mappings
# Set the initial property mapping
# Map "My Old Title" from the source to "Title" in the destination
$mappingSettings = Set-PropertyMapping -Source "My Old Title" -Destination "Title"
# Add a property mapping for multiple source columns to a single destination column
# Map "Col1", "Col2", and "Col3" to "MultipleColumn"
$mappingSettings = Set-PropertyMapping -MappingSettings $mappingSettings -Source Col1,Col2,Col3 -Destination "MultipleColumn"
# Add a property mapping for a custom field
# Map "SourceCustomField" to "MyCustomField"
$mappingSettings = Set-PropertyMapping -MappingSettings $mappingSettings -Source "SourceCustomField" -Destination "MyCustomField"
# Export the property mappings to a file
# The mappings will be saved in the specified file path
Export-PropertyMapping -MappingSettings $mappingSettings -Path "C:\MyMappings\MyPropertyMappingsFileName"
# Output message confirming successful export
# Example output:
# The property mappings exported with success to: C:\MyMappings\MyPropertyMappingsFileName.sgpm
Export mappings from a source list and a destination list
# Connect to the source and destination sites
$srcSite = Connect-Site -Url "http://myfarm1/sites/mysourcesite"
$dstSite = Connect-Site -Url "http://myfarm1/sites/mydestinationsite"
# Retrieve the source list from the source site
$srcList = Get-List -Name "mysrclist" -Site $srcSite
# Retrieve the destination list from the destination site
$dstList = Get-List -Name "mydstlist" -Site $dstSite
# Retrieve existing property mappings between the source and destination lists
$mappingSettings = Get-PropertyMapping -SourceList $srcList -DestinationList $dstList
# Export the retrieved property mappings to a file
Export-PropertyMapping -MappingSettings $mappingSettings -Path "C:\MyMappings\MyPropertyMappingsFileName"
# Example output message
# The property mappings exported with success to: C:\MyMappings\MyPropertyMappingsFileName.sgpm
Export-PropertyMapping-MappingSettings <MappingSettings> [-Path <String>] [-Overwrite <SwitchParameter>]
-MappingSettings <MappingSettings>
Specifies the mapping settings.
Required? | True |
Default value | None |
Accept pipeline input? | True (ByValue, ByPropertyName) |
Accept wildcard characters? | False |
Parameter set name | (All) |
Aliases | None |
-Overwrite <SwitchParameter>
Specifies the file will be overwritten if already exist.
Required? | False |
Default value | None |
Accept pipeline input? | False |
Accept wildcard characters? | False |
Parameter set name | (All) |
Aliases | None |
-Path <String>
Specifies the path where you want to save the file.
Required? | False |
Default value | None |
Accept pipeline input? | False |
Accept wildcard characters? | False |
Parameter set name | (All) |
Aliases | PSPath |