Version: ShareGate Desktop 5.3
Date: 2015-02-18
- SharePoint 2013 Workflows migration
- Migrate workflows developed using SharePoint Designer targeted at the 2013 Workflows platform.
- Simple drag & drop for easy migration.
- Massively remove Anonymous Guest Links from Microsoft 365 and OneDrive for Business documents.
- Complete overhaul of the user interface
- Simpler navigation.
- Increased productivity through smarter contexts.
- Improved user experience across all screens.
- The "All Authenticated Users" special group is now mapped by default to "Everyone except external users" when copying to Microsoft 365.
- Detection of Orphaned users will now also check Active Directory if the user running the query has the necessary rights.
- Intelligent throttling has been added when migrating to Microsoft 365 in order to respect guidelines established by Microsoft.
- Updated authentication with Microsoft 365 to match the changes rolled out by Microsoft.
- The "SourceFilePath" argument was not respected when using the Copy-Content PowerShell command for SharePoint 2003 and 2007.
- Changing SharePoint Designer settings would fail when it was disabled directly on the Web Application.
- The list of Site Collection Administrators could not always not be recovered.
- A field that was set as Hidden in a Content Type would sometimes incorrectly be copied as Optional.
- Some sites would sometimes incorrectly be detected as central administration sites.
- Copying the values of the ContentType field to another field would fail when copying versions.
- Network errors were not being correctly added to the log file.
- Loading permissions would sometimes fail in SharePoint 2003 when the role is no longer available.
- The Migration Pre-Check would sometimes fail when copying a Term Group.
- Intermittent connection issues when connecting to the Microsoft 365 Central Administration using Browser Authentication.
- Changed the sort order in the "Import to SharePoint" and "Export from SharePoint" features to match Windows' default behavior.
- If the Owner of a Term Set was not found, a warning was incorrectly added indicating that a stakeholder could not be found.
- The "Last Updated" column of Discussion Boards was not being correctly updated during Bulk Edit operations.
- Calculated Columns that contained references to constant values "TRUE" and "FALSE" could not be copied.
- A type inference error would sometimes occur when copying documents with WebParts using PowerShell.
- Creating a subsite would sometimes fail on Microsoft 365.
- Alternate access mappings were not being respected when creating site collections.
- Features could not be loaded from Microsoft 365 public sites.
- SharePoint failing to create a workflow would sometimes hang ShareGate Desktop.
- Copying a Document Set with Versioning enabled would sometimes fail.
- Copying Workflows from an Enterprise to Foundation server would cause strange behavior.
- References to Terms were not being correctly corrected when copying Content Query WebParts.
- Copying a folder into itself would cause ShareGate Desktop to copy recursively until the path became too long for SharePoint.
- If an External User is Site Collection Administrator, this is now correctly reflected in the Show Externally Shared Objects report.
- Creating a subsite would fail when the user was not Site Collection Administrator.
- Copying Managed Metadata would sometimes fail when connected directly to a web application.
- ShareGate Desktop would sometimes refuse to start with an "Application.Exit handler" error.