Version: ShareGate Desktop 5.21
Date: 2017-08-01
What's New?
User License Management Portal
You can now deactivate any active license seat using our new license management portal.
Site Access Requests setting now preserved
ShareGate Desktop now preserves all Site Access Request Settings when migrating your site collections.
Full OneNote Notebook support
Added support for migration of OneNote Notebooks - no more pesky folders!
Clean Document Versions
Added a Clean Version History quick action to the reporting tool.
Document Check-In Quick Action added
Added a document check-in quick action to the reporting tool.
- Added a column to display the size of each version of a document to the report view.
- Added support for multiple selections for the Download Content tool.
- Restore/Break inheritance actions are now tracked in the Tasks menu.
- Changed the default scheduling setting to a weekly occurrence.
- Warning now displayed when a report is not run as scheduled due to errors/computer inactivity.
- Resolved a problem where records would come up as documents checked out to System Account.
- Added a filter for Items to reports that would return both Documents and List Items.
- Fixed a condition where users could attempt to export a report that would return no results.
- Added support for the Hidden Membership setting in M365 groups.
- The Download Content tool now properly displays an error when the initial connection to a site being exported fails.
- Automatically enable custom scripting on destination M365 Group Sites in order to better support these types of sites.
- Enhanced performance for lists with large amounts of columns but with versioning disabled.
- OneNote Notebooks no longer appear as the 'Folder' content type at the destination when migrated.
- Fixed an issue where the site connection could drop when using Browser Authentication to connect to Microsoft 365.
- Fixed a bug where the default order of columns of default list content types was not preserved correctly.
- Added support for the "Save and Continue" button action in Nintex Forms.
- Fixed an issue that would occur when migrating a Nintex Workflow containing an action with a CAML Query condition set on a Person or Group field.
- The Connect-Site Powershell cmdlet no longer throws a warning when connecting to sites with a space in their URL
- Adjusted a behavior that would cause permission level mappings to be ignored when merging one site collection into another in certain cases.
- Resolved an issue with Site Navigation migration not copying properly if Publishing was deactivated on the source site.
- Optimized the automatic group mapping algorithm to find better matches.
- Setting 'Ignore' in a property template's "Document ID Value" setting now properly causes a new Document ID to be generated when migrating within a site collection.
- Settings menu standardization.