Version: ShareGate Desktop Desktop 7.0.5
Date: 15 November 2017
- You will no longer see items in search results after they have been deleted using the Delete Site quick action.
- Object properties will be correctly displayed when importing to Google Drive using Excel.
- Opening mappings when there are a significant amount of users will no longer cause the app to crash.
- Sorting by date really sorts by date, instead of by alphabetical order
- You can always drill back up in the migration explorer view.
- The rename box will always appear during a Copy Structure in Migration.
- We lowered memory usage used when looking at your Migration Reports.
- The Ask Value property Mapping in Migration with Apply to all versions no longer prompts all versions to fill a value.
- We improved support for Nintex user defined actions, to allow migrating them even if the level of the action cannot be determined.
- We fixed an issue with Windows notifications that caused a crash on application startup.