The ShareGate dashboard gives you a broad overview of everything going on in your Microsoft tenant. The dashboard gives you a snapshot of workspace creation and your tenant's overall health.
Note: While Microsoft offers many different workspaces, in the context of your ShareGate dashboard, the term workspaces refers only to teams and groups.
Discover what users are creating
This section of the dashboard gives you a snapshot of workspace creation in your tenant for the selected timeframe. Choose between the following timeframes:
- Since last visit
- 30 D
- 3 M
- 6 M
- Custom date range (dd/mm/yyyy)
The timeframe you select is reflected in all of the widgets in this section (see below for more details).
Note: Since last visit shows data for workspaces created since the last time you visited the dashboard.
Workspaces created - Shows the number of workspaces created in your tenant during the selected timeframe.
Creation trends - Shows a line graph that displays workspace creation by type during the selected timeframe. Hover your cursor along the x-axis to see more details. Click the drop-down to change the x-axis value (Daily, Weekly, Monthly, or Quarterly).
Workspace origin by platform - Shows a pie chart that displays the platform through which workspaces were created in your tenant during the selected timeframe.
Teams created without a template - Shows the number of workspaces created in your tenant without a provisioning template during the selected timeframe. Both the percent value and total amount of workspaces are shown. Select Manage these teams to view these teams on the Manage page.
Number of teams per template - Shows a bar chart that displays the number of workspaces created via individual provisioning templates during the selected timeframe.
Note: Some of the widgets described above only appear on your dashboard once you've set up some provisioning templates for your tenant. If you aren't using ShareGate provisioning yet, create some templates, and start on your way to a tidier, more secure environment.
Note: You may see an Other category in the Workspace origin by platform chart. That refers to workspaces:
- Created through Microsoft products that are not often used for workspace creation (e.g., Stream, Yammer, Project, etc.)
- Created through other third-party applications.
- Of unknown origin.
Monitor your tenant's health
This dashboard section provides an overview of your tenant's current state. In addition, you can also find ShareGate's recommendations on how to improve your environment's health and efficiency.
Total workspaces - Shows the total number of workspaces in your tenant by type.
Orphaned groups - Shows the percent value and total amount of groups in your tenant without owners.
Inactive groups - Shows the percent value and total amount of inactive groups in your tenant.
Groups without a purpose tag - Shows the percent value and total amount of groups without a purpose tag in your tenant.
Groups with guests or external links to review - Shows the percent value and total amount of groups in your tenant with guests or externally shared links.
Groups without a sensitivity tag - Shows the percent value and total amount of groups without a sensitivity tag in your tenant.
Tip: Click on the widgets in this section to go directly to the Manage page with the associated tile selected.
Note: The percent values displayed in your dashboard's widgets are based on the total number of groups in your tenant.
Here you'll find a variety of tips on how to use ShareGate to quickly improve your environment's health score. Each recommendation is specifically tailored to respond to your tenant's needs and includes a button that directs you to the appropriate ShareGate menu to take action.
Tip: Check back often as the recommendations in this section are updated each time you visit your dashboard!