Version: ShareGate Desktop Desktop 7.3
Date: 27 February 2018
- There was an issue listing large documents libraries when running a report on never-checked-in documents.
- Fixed an issue that was causing only Groups and not Site Collections to appear on the list view of the Explorer.
- In some cases, an issue prevented you from using the option to view your documents in Google Drive.
- Microsoft 365 Groups now appear correctly in the Reporting target screen.
- There was an encoding error for the Explorer on some systems.
- You can now view or edit properties when selecting multiple subsites, site collections, and OneDrives using the Quick Action panel.
- There were errors when searching for a selected target to run a report on a site.
- We changed the migration flow to optimize usability and performance.
- You can now connect to a new Site Collection when selecting a target for a migration procedure.
- When closing the advanced copy menu while the options were still loading, an error would occur.
- All migrations were using insane mode even if Normal Mode was selected in the migration settings.
- When using PowerShell to run a migration, the migration report was not refreshing properly within the ShareGate Desktop app to show you all the results.
- System list columns were giving errors when running a migration from Microsoft 365 to an On-Premises environment.
- When importing OneNote Notebooks from Excel, it would appear as a folder at the destination of your operation.
- Columns with multiple users that were migrated using insane mode on-premises were missing some users in the destination post-migration.
- We will now maintain the require check-out value when migrating lists containing records.
- When a fatal error occurs during a Microsoft 365 Insane Mode migration, items that were skipped will be correctly flagged in your Migration Report.
- There was an issue when using Insane Mode on Microsoft 365 that caused Document Sets to show the following warning: Content types that are available to this Document Set have been added or removed.
- We now support migrating User Alerts to a Microsoft 365 environment in Normal Mode.
- We now detect local app data automatically to prevent fatal errors with the ShareGate Desktop app.
- You can now export all your connections to an xlsx or csv file using PowerShell with the export connections command.
- Once connected to the ShareGate Desktop module in PowerShell or in-app, use the connect site command with the Add Explorer parameter. This will add a connection in ShareGate Desktop's Explorer.
- Better re-connect capabilities when environments are initially unreachable.
- There was a connection issue on Microsoft 365 environments when using a proxy to authenticate.
- We now support the Quick Links modern web part.
- Several changes to the UI to improve clarity and usability.