Version: ShareGate Desktop Desktop 7.4
Date: 3 April 2018
- System accounts and guest accounts will not be considered in a Clean Orphaned Users action since these are users that are automatically generated by SharePoint to create links, and deleting them will break these links.
- File Share Inventory would sometimes result in filters being applied when they weren't selected, or duplicate tabs being opened in Chrome.
- You can now find an item in the target selection screen faster by clicking in the correct level of the tree view and typing the first few letters of the item name.
- If you connect to a new environment in the Migration section of the app, we will add this connection to the Explorer (you can also select to disable this feature).
- If a document library had more items than the List View Threshold and contained reserved field names, the migration would fail.
- Some Google Drive documents were not exportable.
- ShareGate Desktop will ignore fields that no longer exist in a Document Set snapshot to avoid migration issues.
- There was an issue migrating a Nintex for Microsoft 365 workflow when the workflow contained a dictionary variable.
- Import from File Share now supports characters like %2e%22.
- Adjust the amount of items per page you can view in the All Tasks menu by using the drop-down in the bottom-right corner.
- You can easily cancel an Export procedure in All Tasks if needed by using the cancel icon near the export progress indicator.
- There was a browser authentication issue that would occur in some cases due to cookies.
- All Tasks will identify between a task run through the ShareGate Desktop desktop app, or through PowerShell (even if you run PowerShell through the app and not on Windows).
- When force stopping a Migration procedure, you would be unable to select and delete the task in All Tasks.