- A file is missing either in your the ShareGate migration tool or .NET Framework installation and prevents the application from running correctly
- An error occurred while trying to decrypt the credentials
- An unexpected error occurred
- Another version of a DLL in your Global Assembly Cache (GAC) is prioritized
- Edge runtime installation failed (Internet Explorer deprecation)
- Incident Report
- Invalid Certificate
- NT AUTHORITY cannot be created
- One or more environments targeted by this task have been disconnected.
- Proxy authentication is required in order to connect to your SharePoint site
- ShareGate was unable to get the version of your SharePoint server
- SharePoint encountered an internal "ServiceActivationException" error while trying to respond to a request
- SharePoint encountered an internal error in the Business Data service
- SharePoint took too long to respond to a request
- Sorry, something went wrong (or Exception HRESULT: 0x80131904)
- The connection with the SharePoint site failed
- The queried site is not responding
- The server could not be found, either because the address is invalid or because the network is down
- The setting could not be activated on the workflow
- The ShareGate Migrate update failed
- The SharePoint server returned an error : "(502) Bad Gateway"
- The value of the column was truncated because its length exceeded the limit for an Excel cell value
- There was a problem backing up your ShareGate user data
- There was a problem retrieving the token used to identify you with Google Drive
- Unable to complete the consent process
- Unable to connect to SharePoint Online using ADFS and manual authentication
- Unable to connect to SharePoint possibly due to a configuration issue with the zones defined in the SharePoint Central Administration
- Unable to connect to the Microsoft Azure storage account
- Versioning must be enabled and the number of major versions must be between 1 and 50000
- We have encountered an error that could have impacted your local ShareGate user data